Routing Resource Graph¶
The RRGraphView encapsulates a read-only routing resource graph as most clients (router, timing analyzer, etc.) only need to read a routing-resource graph (RRGraph).
The RRGraph models the FPGA’s programmable routing fabric as a graph consisting of nodes and edges. Each node and edge is supplemented with additional metadata, such as the physical location within the chip and electrical properties, to optimize algorithm efficiency, aid in visualizing the chip layout, and estimate signal delays.
- RRGraph nodes
Each node represents a routing resource, which can be:
A routing track (CHANX or CHANY).
An input/output of a logic block (IPIN or OPIN).
A virtual source or sink node (SOURCE or SINK).
- RRGraph edges
Each edge represents a switch between resources, which can be:
A multiplexer.
A tri-state buffer.
A pass gate.
A non-configurable buffer.
A short (metal connection).
Despite the RRGraph containing millions of edges, there are only a few switch types. Therefore, all switch details, including R and C, are stored using a flyweight pattern (rr_switch_inf) rather than being directly embedded in the edge-related data of the RRGraph. Each edge stores the ID of its associated switch for easy lookup.
The RRGraphView does not own the storage. It provides a virtual read-only protocol for:
Timing analyzer
class RRGraphView¶
Public Functions
inline vtr::StrongIdRange<RRNodeId> nodes() const¶
Aggregates for creating range-based loops for nodes.
To iterate over the nodes in an RRGraph, using a range-based loop is recommended.
// Strongly suggest using a read-only rr_graph object const RRGraph& rr_graph; for (const RRNodeId& node : rr_graph.nodes()) { // Do something with each node }
inline size_t num_nodes() const¶
Return number of routing resource nodes.
inline bool empty() const¶
check whether the RR graph is currently empty
inline vtr::StrongIdRange<RREdgeId> edge_range(RRNodeId id) const¶
Return a range of RREdgeIds that belong to a specified node.
If this range is empty, then the specified node has no edges.
inline t_rr_type node_type(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the type of a specified node.
inline std::optional<const std::string*> node_name(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the name of a specified node.
If no name is assigned, an empty optional is returned.
inline const char *node_type_string(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return a string indicating the type of the specified node.
inline short node_capacity(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the capacity of a specified node.
inline Direction node_direction(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the direction of a specified node.
Direction Categories:
: Wire driver is positioned at the low-coordinate end of the wire.Direction::DEC
: Wire driver is positioned at the high-coordinate end of the wire.Direction::BIDIR
: Wire has multiple drivers, allowing signals to travel either way along the wire.Direction::NONE
: Node does not have a direction, such as IPIN/OPIN.
inline const std::string &node_direction_string(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return a string representing the direction of the specified node.
inline float node_C(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the capacitance of a specified node.
inline float node_R(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the resistance of a specified node.
inline int16_t node_rc_index(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the rc_index of a specified node.
inline t_edge_size node_fan_in(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the fan in count of a specified node.
inline short node_xlow(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the minimum x-coordinate of a specified node.
inline short node_xhigh(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the maximum x-coordinate of a specified node.
inline short node_ylow(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the minimum y-coordinate of a specified node.
inline short node_yhigh(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the maximum y-coordinate of a specified node.
inline short node_layer(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the layer num of a specified node.
inline short node_ptc_twist(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the ptc number twist of a specified node.
inline RREdgeId node_first_edge(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the first outgoing edge of a specified node.
inline RREdgeId node_last_edge(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the last outgoing edge of a specified node.
inline int node_length(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the length (number of grid tile units spanned by the wire, including the endpoints) of a specified node.
node_length() only applies to CHANX or CHANY and is always a positive number
inline bool node_is_initialized(RRNodeId node) const¶
Check if a routing resource node is initialized.
inline bool nodes_are_adjacent(RRNodeId chanx_node, RRNodeId chany_node) const¶
Check if two routing resource nodes are adjacent (must be a CHANX and a CHANY).
This function performs error checking by determining whether two nodes are physically adjacent based on their geometry. It does not verify the routing edges to confirm if a connection is feasible within the current routing graph.
inline bool node_is_inside_bounding_box(RRNodeId node, vtr::Rect<int> bounding_box) const¶
Check if the node is within the bounding box.
To return true, the RRNode must be completely contained within the specified bounding box, with the edges of the bounding box being inclusive.
- Parameters:
node – the id of the node.
bounding_box – a 2D rectangle that defines the bounding area.
inline bool x_in_node_range(int x, RRNodeId node) const¶
Check if x is within x-range spanned by a specified node, inclusive of its endpoints.
inline bool y_in_node_range(int y, RRNodeId node) const¶
Check if y is within y-range spanned by a specified node, inclusive of its endpoints.
inline const std::string node_coordinate_to_string(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return a string containing information about the specified node.
The returned string can contain the following information: type, side, x_low, x_high, y_low, y_high, length, direction, segment_name, layer num
inline bool is_node_on_specific_side(RRNodeId node, e_side side) const¶
Check whether a routing resource node is on a specific side.
inline const char *node_side_string(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return a string representing the side of a routing resource node.
inline RRNodeId virtual_clock_network_root_idx(const char *clock_network_name) const¶
Return the node id of the clock network virtual sink.
inline bool is_virtual_clock_network_root(RRNodeId id) const¶
Checks if the specified node is a virtual sink for a clock network.
inline short edge_switch(RRNodeId id, t_edge_size iedge) const¶
Return the switch id that represents the iedge’th outgoing edge from a specific node.
- Parameters:
id – the id of the node.
iedge – the outgoing edge index of the node.
- Returns:
the id of the switch used for the specified edge.
inline RRNodeId edge_src_node(const RREdgeId edge_id) const¶
Return the source node for the specified edge.
inline RRNodeId edge_sink_node(RRNodeId id, t_edge_size iedge) const¶
Return the destination node for the iedge’th edge from specified RRNodeId.
This method should generally not be used, and instead first_edge and last_edge should be used.
- Parameters:
id – the id of the node
iedge – the iedge’th edge of the node
- Returns:
destination node id of the specified edge
inline bool edge_is_configurable(RRNodeId id, t_edge_size iedge) const¶
Check if the edge is a configurable edge.
A configurable edge represents a programmable switch between routing resources, which could be
a multiplexer
a tri-state buffer
a pass gate
inline t_edge_size num_configurable_edges(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the number of configurable edges.
inline t_edge_size num_non_configurable_edges(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the number of non-configurable edges.
inline edge_idx_range configurable_edges(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return ID range for configurable edges.
inline edge_idx_range non_configurable_edges(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return ID range for non-configurable edges.
A non-configurable edge represents a hard-wired connection between routing resources, which could be
a non-configurable buffer that can not be turned off
a short metal connection that can not be turned off
inline t_edge_size num_edges(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the number of edges.
inline int node_ptc_num(RRNodeId node) const¶
Retrieve the
of a routing resource node.Note
ptc_num (Pin, Track, or Class Number) allows for distinguishing overlapping routing elements that occupy the same (x, y) coordinate, ensuring they can be uniquely identified and managed without confusion. For instance, several routing wires or pins might overlap physically, but their ptc_num differentiates them.
The meaning of
varies depending on the node type (relevant to VPR RRG, may not apply to custom RRGs):CHANX/CHANY: Represents the track ID in routing channels.
OPIN/IPIN: Refers to the pin index within the logic block data structure.
SOURCE/SINK: Denotes the class ID of a pin, indicating logic equivalence in the logic block data structure.
This API is highly versatile and should only be used when necessary (e.g., when the node type is unknown). If the node type is known, prefer using more specific APIs such as
, ornode_class_num()
based on the node type.
inline int node_pin_num(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the pin num of a routing resource node.
This function is intended for logic blocks and should only be used with IPIN or OPIN nodes.
inline int node_track_num(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the track num of a routing resource node.
This function should only be used with CHANX or CHANY nodes.
inline int node_class_num(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the class num of a routing resource node.
This function should only be used with SOURCE or SINK nodes.
inline RRIndexedDataId node_cost_index(RRNodeId node) const¶
Return the cost index of a routing resource node.
inline const t_segment_inf &rr_segments(RRSegmentId seg_id) const¶
Return detailed routing segment information of a specified segment.
The routing segments here may not be exactly same as those defined in architecture file. They have been adapted to fit the context of routing resource graphs.
inline size_t num_rr_segments() const¶
Return the number of rr_segments in the routing resource graph.
inline const vtr::vector<RRSegmentId, t_segment_inf> &rr_segments() const¶
Return a read-only list of rr_segments for queries from client functions
inline const t_rr_switch_inf &rr_switch_inf(RRSwitchId switch_id) const¶
Return the switch information that is categorized in the rr_switch_inf with a given id.
rr_switch_inf is created to minimize memory footprint of RRGraph class. While the RRG could contain millions (even much larger) of edges, there are only a limited number of types of switches. Hence, we use a flyweight pattern to store switch-related information that differs only for types of switches (switch type, drive strength, R, C, etc.). Each edge stores the ids of the switch that implements it so this additional information can be easily looked up.
All the switch-related information, such as R, C, should be placed in rr_switch_inf but NOT directly in the edge-related data of RRGraph. If you wish to create a new data structure to represent switches between routing resources, please follow the flyweight pattern by linking your switch ids to edges only!
inline size_t num_rr_switches() const¶
Return the number of rr_segments in the routing resource graph.
inline const vtr::vector<RRSwitchId, t_rr_switch_inf> &rr_switch() const¶
Return the rr_switch_inf_ structure for queries from client functions.
inline const RRSpatialLookup &node_lookup() const¶
Return the fast look-up data structure for queries from client functions.
inline const t_rr_graph_storage &rr_nodes() const¶
Return the node-level storage structure for queries from client functions.
inline MetadataStorage<int> rr_node_metadata_data() const¶
Return the metadata of rr nodes.
The Metadata should stay as an independent data structure than rest of the internal data, e.g., node_lookup!
inline MetadataStorage<std::tuple<int, int, short>> rr_edge_metadata_data() const¶
Return the metadata of rr edges.
inline bool validate_node(RRNodeId node_id) const¶
Validate that edge data is partitioned correctly.
This function is used to validate the correctness of the routing resource graph in terms of graph attributes. Strongly recommend to call it when you finish the building a routing resource graph. If you need more advance checks, which are related to architecture features, you should consider to use the check_rr_graph() function or build your own check_rr_graph() function.
inline vtr::StrongIdRange<RRNodeId> nodes() const¶
This file defines the RRGraphBuilder data structure which allows data modification on a routing resource graph.
The builder does not own the storage but it serves a virtual protocol for
node_storage: store the node list
node_lookup: store a fast look-up for the nodes
This is the only data structure allowed to modify a routing resource graph
class RRGraphBuilder¶
Public Functions
t_rr_graph_storage &rr_nodes()¶
Return a writable object for rr_nodes.
RRSpatialLookup &node_lookup()¶
Return a writable object for update the fast look-up of rr_node.
MetadataStorage<int> &rr_node_metadata()¶
Return a writable object for the meta data on the nodes.
The Metadata should stay as an independent data structure from the rest of the internal data, e.g., node_lookup!
MetadataStorage<std::tuple<int, int, short>> &rr_edge_metadata()¶
Return a writable object for the meta data on the edge.
inline size_t rr_node_metadata_size() const¶
Return the size for rr_node_metadata.
inline size_t rr_edge_metadata_size() const¶
Return the size for rr_edge_metadata.
inline vtr::flat_map<int, t_metadata_dict>::const_iterator find_rr_node_metadata(const int &lookup_key) const¶
Find the node in rr_node_metadata.
inline vtr::flat_map<std::tuple<int, int, short int>, t_metadata_dict>::const_iterator find_rr_edge_metadata(const std::tuple<int, int, short int> &lookup_key) const¶
Find the edge in rr_edge_metadata.
inline vtr::flat_map<int, t_metadata_dict>::const_iterator end_rr_node_metadata() const¶
Return the last node in rr_node_metadata.
inline vtr::flat_map<std::tuple<int, int, short int>, t_metadata_dict>::const_iterator end_rr_edge_metadata() const¶
Return the last edge in rr_edge_metadata.
inline RRSegmentId add_rr_segment(const t_segment_inf &segment_info)¶
Add a rr_segment to the routing resource graph. Return an valid id if successful.
Each rr_segment contains the detailed information of a routing track, which is denoted by a node in CHANX or CHANY type.
It is frequently used by client functions in timing and routability prediction.
inline vtr::vector<RRSegmentId, t_segment_inf> &rr_segments()¶
Return a writable list of all the rr_segments.
It is not recommended to use this API unless you have to. The API may be deprecated later, and future APIs will designed to return a specific data from the rr_segments.
inline RRSwitchId add_rr_switch(const t_rr_switch_inf &switch_info)¶
Add a rr_switch to the routing resource graph. Return an valid id if successful.
Each rr_switch contains the detailed information of a routing switch interconnecting two routing resource nodes.
It is frequently used by client functions in timing prediction.
inline vtr::vector<RRSwitchId, t_rr_switch_inf> &rr_switch()¶
Return a writable list of all the rr_switches.
It is not recommended to use this API unless you have to. The API may be deprecated later, and future APIs will designed to return a specific data from the rr_switches.
inline void set_node_type(RRNodeId id, t_rr_type type)¶
Set the type of a node with a given valid id.
void add_node_to_all_locs(RRNodeId node)¶
Add an existing rr_node in the node storage to the node look-up.
The node will be added to the lookup for every side it is on (for OPINs and IPINs) and for every (x,y) location at which it exists (for wires that span more than one (x,y)).
This function requires a valid node which has already been allocated in the node storage, with
a valid node id
valid geometry information: xlow/ylow/xhigh/yhigh
a valid node type
a valid node ptc number
a valid side (applicable to OPIN and IPIN nodes only
void clear()¶
Clear all the underlying data storage.
void reorder_nodes(e_rr_node_reorder_algorithm reorder_rr_graph_nodes_algorithm, int reorder_rr_graph_nodes_threshold, int reorder_rr_graph_nodes_seed)¶
reorder all the nodes Reordering the rr-graph nodes may be helpful in
Increasing cache locality during routing
Improving compile time Reorder RRNodeId’s using one of these algorithms:
DEGREE_BFS: Order by degree primarily, and BFS traversal order secondarily.
RANDOM_SHUFFLE: Shuffle using the specified seed. Great for testing. The DEGREE_BFS algorithm was selected because it had the best performance of seven existing algorithms here: It might be worth further research, as the DEGREE_BFS algorithm is simple and makes some arbitrary choices, such as the starting node. The re-ordering algorithm (DEGREE_BFS) does not speed up the router on most architectures vs. using the node ordering created by the rr-graph builder in VPR, so it is off by default. The other use of this algorithm is for some unit tests; by changing the order of the nodes in the rr-graph before routing we check that no code depends on the rr-graph node order Nonetheless, it does improve performance ~7% for the SymbiFlow Xilinx Artix 7 graph.
NOTE: Re-ordering will invalidate any references to rr_graph nodes, so this should generally be called before creating such references.
inline void set_node_capacity(RRNodeId id, short new_capacity)¶
Set capacity of this node (number of routes that can use it).
inline void set_node_coordinates(RRNodeId id, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2)¶
Set the node coordinate.
inline void set_node_layer(RRNodeId id, short layer)¶
Set the node layer (specifies which die the node is located at)
inline void set_node_ptc_num(RRNodeId id, int new_ptc_num)¶
The ptc_num carries different meanings for different node types (true in VPR RRG that is currently supported, may not be true in customized RRG) CHANX or CHANY: the track id in routing channels OPIN or IPIN: the index of pins in the logic block data structure SOURCE and SINK: the class id of a pin (indicating logic equivalence of pins) in the logic block data structure.
This API is very powerful and developers should not use it unless it is necessary, e.g the node type is unknown. If the node type is known, the more specific routines,
, for different types of nodes should be used.
inline void set_node_layer(RRNodeId id, int layer)¶
set the layer number at which RRNodeId is located at
inline void set_node_ptc_twist_incr(RRNodeId id, int twist)¶
set the ptc twist increment number for TILEABLE rr graphs (for more information see rr_graph_storage.h twist increment comment)
inline void set_node_pin_num(RRNodeId id, int new_pin_num)¶
set_node_pin_num() is designed for logic blocks, which are IPIN and OPIN nodes
inline void set_node_track_num(RRNodeId id, int new_track_num)¶
set_node_track_num() is designed for routing tracks, which are CHANX and CHANY nodes
inline void set_node_class_num(RRNodeId id, int new_class_num)¶
set_ node_class_num() is designed for routing source and sinks, which are SOURCE and SINK nodes
inline void set_node_direction(RRNodeId id, Direction new_direction)¶
Set the node direction; The node direction is only available of routing channel nodes, such as x-direction routing tracks (CHANX) and y-direction routing tracks (CHANY). For other nodes types, this value is not meaningful and should be set to NONE.
inline void set_virtual_clock_network_root_idx(RRNodeId virtual_clock_network_root_idx)¶
Set the node id for clock network virtual sink.
inline void reserve_edges(size_t num_edges)¶
Reserve the lists of edges to be memory efficient. This function is mainly used to reserve memory space inside RRGraph, when adding a large number of edges in order to avoid memory fragements.
inline void emplace_back_edge(RRNodeId src, RRNodeId dest, short edge_switch, bool remapped)¶
emplace_back_edge It adds one edge. This method is efficient if reserve_edges was called with the number of edges present in the graph.
- Parameters:
remapped – If true, it means the switch id (edge_switch) corresponds to rr switch id. Thus, when the remapped function is called to remap the arch switch id to rr switch id, the edge switch id of this edge shouldn’t be changed. For example, when the intra-cluster graph is built and the rr-graph related to global resources are read from a file, this parameter is true since the intra-cluster switches are also listed in rr-graph file. So, we use that list to use the rr switch id instead of passing arch switch id for intra-cluster edges.
inline void emplace_back()¶
Append 1 more RR node to the RR graph.
inline void alloc_and_load_edges(const t_rr_edge_info_set *rr_edges_to_create)¶
alloc_and_load_edges; It adds a batch of edges.
inline void set_node_cost_index(RRNodeId id, RRIndexedDataId new_cost_index)¶
set_node_cost_index gets the index of cost data in the list of cost_indexed_data data structure It contains the routing cost for different nodes in the RRGraph when used in evaluate different routing paths
inline void set_node_rc_index(RRNodeId id, NodeRCIndex new_rc_index)¶
Set the rc_index of routing resource node.
inline void add_node_side(RRNodeId id, e_side new_side)¶
Add the side where the node physically locates on a logic block. Mainly applicable to IPIN and OPIN nodes.
inline void remap_rr_node_switch_indices(const t_arch_switch_fanin &switch_fanin)¶
It maps arch_switch_inf indicies to rr_switch_inf indicies.
inline void mark_edges_as_rr_switch_ids()¶
Marks that edge switch values are rr switch indicies.
inline size_t count_rr_switches(const std::vector<t_arch_switch_inf> &arch_switch_inf, t_arch_switch_fanin &arch_switch_fanins)¶
Counts the number of rr switches needed based on fan in to support mux size dependent switch delays.
inline void reserve_nodes(size_t size)¶
Reserve the lists of nodes, edges, switches etc. to be memory efficient. This function is mainly used to reserve memory space inside RRGraph, when adding a large number of nodes/edge/switches/segments, in order to avoid memory fragements.
inline void resize_nodes(size_t size)¶
This function resize node storage to accomidate size RR nodes.
inline void resize_ptc_twist_incr(size_t size)¶
This function resize node ptc twist increment; Since it is only used for tileable rr-graph, we don’t put it in general resize function.
inline void resize_switches(size_t size)¶
This function resize rr_switch to accomidate size RR Switch.
inline bool validate() const¶
Validate that edge data is partitioned correctly.
This function is used to validate the correctness of the routing resource graph in terms of graph attributes. Strongly recommend to call it when you finish the building a routing resource graph. If you need more advance checks, which are related to architecture features, you should consider to use the check_rr_graph() function or build your own check_rr_graph() function.
inline void partition_edges()¶
Sorts edge data such that configurable edges appears before non-configurable edges.
inline void init_fan_in()¶
Init per node fan-in data. Should only be called after all edges have been allocated.
This is an expensive, O(N), operation so it should be called once you have a complete rr-graph and not called often.
inline void reset_rr_graph_flags()¶
Disable the flags which would prevent adding adding extra-resources, when flat-routing is enabled, to the RR Graph.
When flat-routing is enabled, intra-cluster resources are added to the RR Graph after global rosources are already added. This function disables the flags which would prevent adding extra-resources to the RR Graph
t_rr_graph_storage &rr_nodes()¶
This RRSpatialLookup class encapsulates the node-lookup for a routing resource graph.
A data structure built to find the id of an routing resource node (rr_node) given information about its physical position and type. The data structure is mostly needed during building a routing resource graph
The data structure allows users to
Update the look-up with new nodes
Find the id of a node with given information, e.g., x, y, type etc.
class RRSpatialLookup¶
Public Functions
RRNodeId find_node(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type, int ptc, e_side side = NUM_2D_SIDES) const¶
Returns the index of the specified routing resource node.
This routine also performs error checking to make sure the node in question exists.
All ptcs start at 0 and are positive. Depending on what type of resource this is, ptc can be
the class number of a common SINK/SOURCE node of grid, starting at 0 and go up to logical_class_inf size - 1 of SOURCEs + SINKs in a grid
pin number of an input/output pin of a grid. They would normally start at 0 and go to the number of pins on a block at that (layer,x,y) location
track number of a routing wire in a channel. They would normally go from 0 to channel_width - 1 at that (layer,x,y)
An invalid id will be returned if the node does not exist
For segments (CHANX and CHANY) of length > 1, the segment is given an rr_index based on the (layer,x,y) location at which it starts (i.e. lowest (layer,x,y) location at which this segment exists).
The ‘side’ argument only applies to IPIN/OPIN types, and specifies which side of the grid tile the node should be located on. The value is ignored for non-IPIN/OPIN types
- Parameters:
layer – specified which FPGA die the node is located at (e.g. multi-die(3D) FPGA)
(x, y) – is the grid location within the FPGA
rr_type – specifies the type of resource,
ptc – gives a unique number of resources of that type (e.g. CHANX) at that (layer,x,y).
std::vector<RRNodeId> find_nodes_in_range(int layer, int xlow, int ylow, int xhigh, int yhigh, t_rr_type type, int ptc, e_side side = e_side::NUM_2D_SIDES) const¶
Returns unique indices of the routing resource nodes in the bounds (xlow, ylow) to (xhigh, yhigh).
This function works by calling find_node() at the coordinates bounded by (xlow, ylow) to (xhigh, yhigh).
- Parameters:
layer – specifies which FPGA die the node is located at (e.g. multi-die(3D) FPGA)
(xlow, ylow) – is the lower left corner of the grid location range to search within the FPGA
(xhigh, yhigh) – is the top right corner of the grid location range to search within the FPGA
rr_type – specifies the type of resource,
ptc – gives a unique number of resources of that type (e.g. CHANX) at that (layer,x,y).
- Returns:
nodes A vector of unique nodes within the given bounds which meet the given parameters
std::vector<RRNodeId> find_channel_nodes(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type) const¶
Returns the indices of the specified routing resource nodes, representing routing tracks in a channel.
Return an empty list if there are no routing channel at the given (layer,x,y) location
The node list returned only contain valid ids For example, if the 2nd routing track does not exist in a routing channel at (layer,x,y) location, while the 3rd routing track does exist in a routing channel at (layer,x, y) location, the node list will not contain the node for the 2nd routing track, but the 2nd element in the list will be the node for the 3rd routing track
- Parameters:
layer – specified which FPGA die the node is located at (e.g. multi-die(3D) FPGA)
(x, y) – is the coordinate of the routing channel within the FPGA
rr_type – specifies the type of routing channel, either x-direction or y-direction
std::vector<RRNodeId> find_nodes_at_all_sides(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type rr_type, int ptc) const¶
Like find_node() but returns all matching nodes on all the sides.
This is particularly useful for getting all instances of a specific IPIN/OPIN at a specific grid tile (layer,x,y).
std::vector<RRNodeId> find_grid_nodes_at_all_sides(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type rr_type) const¶
Returns all matching nodes on all the sides at a specific grid tile (layer,x,y) location.
As this is applicable to grid pins, the type of nodes are limited to SOURCE/SINK/IPIN/OPIN
void reserve_nodes(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type, int num_nodes, e_side side = TOTAL_2D_SIDES[0])¶
Reserve the memory for a list of nodes at (layer, x, y) location with given type and side.
void add_node(RRNodeId node, int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type, int ptc, e_side side = TOTAL_2D_SIDES[0])¶
Register a node in the fast spatial lookup.
You must have a valid node id to register the node in the lookup
a node added with this call will not create a node in the rr_graph_storage node list You MUST add the node in the rr_graph_storage so that the node is valid
- Parameters:
layer – specified which FPGA die the node is located at (e.g. multi-die(3D) FPGA)
(x, y) – is the coordinate of the node to be indexable in the fast spatial lookup
type – is the type of a node
ptc – is a feature number of a node, which can be
the class number of a common SINK/SOURCE node of grid,
pin index in a tile when type is OPIN/IPIN
track index in a routing channel when type is CHANX/CHANY
side – is the side of node on the tile, applicable to OPIN/IPIN; it is ignored for other types, and hence has a default set
bool remove_node(RRNodeId node, int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type, int ptc, e_side side = TOTAL_2D_SIDES[0])¶
Remove a node in the fast spatial lookup.
- Parameters:
layer – specified which FPGA die the node is located at (e.g. multi-die(3D) FPGA)
(x, y) – is the coordinate of the node
type – is the type of a node
ptc – is a feature number of a node, which can be
the class number of a common SINK/SOURCE node of grid,
pin index in a tile when type is OPIN/IPIN
track index in a routing channel when type is CHANX/CHANY
side – is the side of node on the tile, applicable to OPIN/IPIN; it is ignored for other types, and hence has a default set
- Returns:
success Whether the node was removed successfully. If the function returns false, the node was not in the lookup at the indices provided.
void mirror_nodes(const int layer, const vtr::Point<int> &src_coord, const vtr::Point<int> &des_coord, t_rr_type type, e_side side)¶
Mirror the last dimension of a look-up, i.e., a list of nodes, from a source coordinate to a destination coordinate.
This function is mostly needed by SOURCE nodes which are indexable in multiple locations. Considering a bounding box (layer, x, y)->(layer, x + width, y + height) of a multi-height and multi-width grid, SOURCE nodes are indexable in any location inside the boundary.
An example of usage:
// Create a empty lookup RRSpatialLookup rr_lookup; // Adding other nodes ... // Copy the nodes whose types are SOURCE at (1, 1) to (1, 2) rr_lookup.mirror_nodes(vtr::Point<int>(1, 1), vtr::Point<int>(1, 2), SOURCE, TOP);
currently this function only accepts SOURCE nodes. May unlock for the other types depending on needs
void resize_nodes(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type, e_side side)¶
Resize the given 4 dimensions (layer, x, y, side) of the RRSpatialLookup data structure for the given type.
This function will keep any existing data
Strongly recommend to use when the sizes of dimensions are deterministic
void reorder(const vtr::vector<RRNodeId, RRNodeId> dest_order)¶
Reorder the internal look up to be more memory efficient.
void clear()¶
Clear all the data inside.
RRNodeId find_node(int layer, int x, int y, t_rr_type type, int ptc, e_side side = NUM_2D_SIDES) const¶
This file includes the most-utilized functions that manipulate the RRGraph object.
std::vector<RRSwitchId> find_rr_graph_switches(const RRGraph &rr_graph, const RRNodeId &from_node, const RRNodeId &to_node)¶
Get switches in a RRGraph starting at from_node and ending at to_node.
Uses RRGraphView::find_edges(), then converts these edges to switch IDs.
- Returns:
A vector of switch IDs
vtr::vector<RRNodeId, std::vector<RREdgeId>> get_fan_in_list(const RRGraphView &rr_graph)¶
This function generates and returns a vector indexed by RRNodeId containing a vector of fan-in edges for each node.
This function is CPU expensive; complexity O(E) where E is the number of edges in rr_graph
void rr_set_sink_locs(const RRGraphView &rr_graph, RRGraphBuilder &rr_graph_builder, const DeviceGrid &grid)¶
This function sets better locations for SINK nodes.
build_rr_graph() sets the location of SINK nodes to span the entire tile they are in. This function sets the location of SINK nodes to be the average coordinate of the “cluster-edge” IPINs to which they are connected
int seg_index_of_cblock(const RRGraphView &rr_graph, t_rr_type from_rr_type, int to_node)¶
Returns the segment number (distance along the channel) of the connection box from from_rr_type (CHANX or CHANY) to to_node (IPIN).
int seg_index_of_sblock(const RRGraphView &rr_graph, int from_node, int to_node)¶
Returns the segment number (distance along the channel) of the switch box from from_node (CHANX or CHANY) to to_node (CHANX or CHANY).
The switch box on the left side of a CHANX segment at (i,j) has seg_index = i-1, while the switch box on the right side of that segment has seg_index = i. CHANY stuff works similarly. Hence the range of values returned is 0 to device_ctx.grid.width()-1 (if from_node is a CHANX) or 0 to device_ctx.grid.height()-1 (if from_node is a CHANY).
bool inter_layer_connections_limited_to_opin(const RRGraphView &rr_graph)¶
This function checks whether all inter-die connections are form OPINs. Return “true” if that is the case. Can be used for multiple purposes. For example, to determine which type of bounding box to be used to estimate the wire-length of a net.
- Parameters:
rr_graph –
- Returns: