Sphinx API Documentation for C/C++ Projects

The Sphinx API documentation for VTR C/C++ projects is created using Doxygen and Breathe plugin. Doxygen is a standard tool for generating documentation from annotated code. It is used to generate XML output that can then be parsed by the Breathe plugin, which provides the RST directives used to embed the code comments into the Sphinx documentation.

Every VPR C/C++ project requires a few steps that have to be completed, to generate the Sphinx documentation:

  • Create doxyfile for the project

  • Update the Breathe config

  • Create RST files with the API description using Breathe directives

  • Generate the project documentation

Create Doxyfile

A doxyfile a Doxygen configuration file that provides all the necessary information about the documented project. It is used to generate Doxygen output in the chosen format.

The configuration includes the specification of input files, output directory, generated documentation formats, and much more. The config for a particular VPR project should be saved in the <vtr-verilog-to-routing>/doc/_doxygen directory. The doxyfile should be named as <key>.dox, where <key> is a breathe_projects dictionary key associated with the VPR project.

The minimal doxyfile should contain only the configuration values that are not set by default. As mentioned before, the Breathe plugin expects the XML input. Therefore the GENERATE_XML option should be turned on. Below there is a content of vpr.dox file content, which contains the VPR Doxygen configuration:

PROJECT_NAME           = "Verilog to Routing - VPR"
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = ../_build/doxygen/vpr
EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
INPUT                  = ../../vpr ../../libs/libarchfpga/
RECURSIVE              = YES
GENERATE_XML           = YES

The general Doxyfile template can be generated using:

doxygen -g template.dox

Breathe Configuration

Breathe plugin is responsible for parsing the XML file generated by the Doxygen. It provides the convenient RST directives that allow to embed the read documentation into the Sphinx documentation.

To add the new project to the Sphinx API generation mechanism, you have to update the breathe_projects dictionary in the Sphinx conf.py file. The dictionary consist of key-value pairs which describe the project. The key is related to the project name that will be used in the Breathe plugin directives. The value associated with the key points to the directory where the XML Doxygen output is generated.

Example of this configuration structure is presented below:

breathe_projects = {
    "vpr"          : "../_build/doxygen/vpr/xml",
    "abc"          : "../_build/doxygen/abc/xml",
    "ace2"         : "../_build/doxygen/ace2/xml",
    "odin_ii"      : "../_build/doxygen/odin_ii/xml",
    "blifexplorer" : "../_build/doxygen/blifexplorer/xml",

More information about the Breathe plugin can be found in the Breathe Documentation.

Create RST with API Documentation

To generate the Sphinx API documentation, you should use the directives provided by the Breathe plugin. A complete list of Breathe directives can be found in the Directives & Config Variables section of the Breathe Documentation.

Example of doxygenclass directive used for the VPR project is presented below:

.. doxygenclass:: VprContext
   :project: vpr

Generate the Documentation

Currently, the Doxygen is set up to run automatically whenever the documentation is regenerated. The Doxygen XML generation is skipped when the Doxygen is not installed on your machine or when the SKIP_DOXYGEN=True environment variable is set.

The Doxygen is being run for every project described in the breathe_projects dictionary. Therefore it is essential to keep the same name of the project name key and the doxyfile name.